“Bad” men commonly used chat tricks, 93% of girls can not carry

We are talking to girls about the “atmosphere”, a good chat atmosphere to increase the goodwill of girls.

Many people say that humor can attract girls, but there is no atmosphere, your humor looks very funny.

You don’t have to be funny and interesting, but you must not make her feel bored, because boredom when two people are together is equal to stress.

So, we need to hook girls as much as we can in our chat.

Many guys talk too straightforwardly when chatting with girls, so the atmosphere becomes extremely awkward, and no matter what they say again, they can’t attract the girls’ interest.

For example:

Female: “Gee, I can’t believe I have acne”.

The man: “Oh, what does that have to do with me, you pick it off yourself is not good”.

This kind of guy is the topic terminator, often dislike the girl dumb, they do not know how to find the topic, chat atmosphere is not awkward is impossible.

The embarrassment brought about by the tension will let you end the chat early.

The awkwardness and nervousness is not the most terrible, the most terrible is that you force awkward chat.

This will make the girl feel that your social value is very low, and will blacklist you.

In the process of chatting with girls, the skill of speaking and improvising ideas is the most advantageous way of communication.
For example, a teasing way of communication and flirtatious chatting.

This can quickly break the awkward atmosphere between the two people, and to arouse the interest of the girl, and can even talk out a lot of common topics, deeply attracted to her.

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