2 tips for girls to actively seek to fall in love with you

Like a girl, how should I chat with her to further increase feelings?

2 tips for girls to actively seek to fall in love with you

Imagine a stranger trying to strike up a conversation with you, what content does the other party say that will make you have the desire to continue communication with him?

A. Hello, what’s your name? Where are you from?

B. What a coincidence, I’ve just been on a trip to Yunnan too!

The A option is similar to the chatting state of many little brothers when they first add a girl’s WeChat. Although looking for a large number of topics to talk with girls, but it is difficult to chat in depth.

If you want to pursue a very popular girl, there is a high chance that such a chatting opening will not get a reply.

First impressions are very important in intimate relationships between two sexes. Especially if you haven’t met her, just a few words can make a girl decide whether she wants to develop a deeper relationship with you.

In comparison, option B would be more advantageous. The common ground can make a quick connection and give the other person the illusion that she has met her “soulmate”.

If the common ground is something she’s interested in, her desire to talk will even double.

The first thing you need to do is to get in touch with your friends and find out what they have in common, so that you can lay the foundation for the rest of the conversation.


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