Nine relationship tips for having chemistry with a good man

Are you tired of making lousy choices when it comes to dating? Are you sick of players, cheaters, and heartbreakers? Perhaps it’s time to switch things up and give nice guys a chance.

Nine relationship tips for having chemistry with a good man

Some people believe that “nice guys finish last,” but that’s not necessarily true. It’s essential to broaden your horizons and see beyond any external factors such as looks or job status. Here are some tips on how to spark chemistry with a good man.

Firstly, remember to give him a real chance. Even if he doesn’t meet all of your criteria, try going for at least a second or third date. You never know what hidden gems might be lurking beneath the surface.

Secondly, practice opening possibility exercises. Think of him as a present wrapped in nested boxes. As you interact, you are unwrapping the present and discovering more wonderful things about him.

Thirdly, go on dates that are exciting, novel, and get your adrenaline pumping. Novel experiences can spark chemistry. Go rock climbing, try hiking on a high, winding trail, or wind-surfing. Studies show that people who are emotionally aroused, whether by joy, fear, or any feeling, fall in love more easily.

Fourthly, use affirmations before each date. Affirm that you will have fun with this man, see the hidden possibilities, and uncover the wonderful aspects of him.

Fifthly, see him in his element. Plan dates around his hobbies or interests and catch sides of him you haven’t seen before. His personal power and charisma will be at their height, so you may open up a host of juicy feelings and spark chemistry between you.

Sixthly, turn yourself on first. For example, go on a date wearing your sexiest lingerie under your clothes and flirt with him. Put yourself in the mood first and see how it affects your chemistry.

Seventhly, use the magic phrase to ask for what you want. Say, “I would really love it if you (fill in the blank!).” If he responds with sensual moves, your ‘spark chemistry experiment’ may prove to be the start of something great!

Eighthly, be patient. Keep on dating that nice guy and practice the tips above. Sparking chemistry, like lighting a fire in the woods, sometimes takes some time.

Lastly, remember that love almost always comes in a surprise package. Don’t limit yourself to a particular type or image of a partner. The woman who only dates starving artists might end up marrying a wealthy lawyer.

In conclusion, sparking chemistry with a good man is possible if you are open-minded, patient, and adventurous. By following these tips, you might just find yourself falling in love with a terrific guy who has integrity and is loyal.

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