The secret of making the girl’s heart beat, learn 1 move is enough to use

Today we will talk about a more interesting topic: mind reading.

In fact, there is no concept of mind reading in orthodox psychology, but there are similar ones: micro-expression psychology, micro-reaction psychology, language psychology and so on.

The secret of making the girl's heart beat, learn 1 move is enough to use

In the most simple language description is: through a person’s behavior, action, language to understand his real thoughts at the time.

So what do we get if we apply such psychological knowledge to a relationship?

Do you often encounter this situation, obviously two people have talked very close, and even feel one step short of confirming the relationship, but it just feels like there is still some distance, the girl did not completely open up to himself, she seems to have some concerns, it seems that you have not yet crossed your heart.

In fact, the answer is very simple, because no matter what type, what age, what status of girls, their most core requirements for an intimate relationship, is that you can understand her.

How to [understand], this is a technical problem.

Understand, you will have the opportunity to become a girl can not pull the heart of the arsonist, if not understand, then you can only watch you like the girl, by other guys three or two words to coax the heart can not pull out.

This technique is actually very simple, that is: cold reading.

In the process of your communication with the girl, with cold reading skills, can help you quickly close the distance with her, so she understands that you understand her, and others are not the same.

How does it work?

Remember a template: you …… But you …… Because you ……

Example one.

“Although you look cheerful every day and smile heartlessly always, but in fact you also have a sentimental side. Just because you prefer to bring a smile to others, do not want to let their emotions affect others, right?”

Example two.

“To put it mildly, although everyone thinks you are very mature, I can always see in your eyes (or in a certain expression) that there is still a little girl living inside you, and you wish there was someone who would let you take off all your defenses and be a carefree little girl again.”

The two examples above seem simple, but they apply to most women.

When you say these words to a girl, the first thing that comes to her mind is, Wow! I can’t believe you understand me so well!

However, many times we want to cold read a person, more also based on her personality to judge. Because you can’t cold read a girl with an introverted personality and say she’s very sociable.

So what we have to do is, for different personality traits of girls, the right medicine.

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