Girls like your 6 major performance, you missed it?

Many people leave messages, the most problems have two categories such as

1, will not chat

2, do not know whether girls like themselves

Girls like your 6 major performance, you missed it?

Many people think that only chatting well, girls will like themselves, but in fact, there is a very famous theory in psychology, called: the first cause effect, is the first impression effect.

Simply put, the first impression you give a girl actually determines whether the girl will quickly like you.

Very often, as long as the girl likes you, even if you ask her every day: have you eaten? Sleep? What are you doing? She can also tell you everything in detail;

But if a girl does not like you, even if you astronomy, geography, history and philosophy are able to talk about flowers, she still feels that you are pretending.

So chatting problems next article I will come back to talk to you in detail ~ today we first learn how to determine if the girl you like is like you.

Very simple, to determine whether the girl likes you have six criteria:

  1. the girl to you hot and cold, only in their own something to help you will find you, help after the busy people disappeared as evaporated general;
  2. reply content brief, reply to the message as a century apart;
  3. about her to meet quickly agreed to but with friends, or frequently cool or refused;
  4.  implying that she only considers you a friend, for example, introducing you to her best friend as her good buddy, good friend and so on;
  5.  said to you something like: I’ll find you a date, see you are tired of being alone, etc.;
  6.  you unilaterally pay, the other party indifferent. For example: you regularly send each other gifts, things, but to your birthday, the other party delayed no action, not even a happy birthday wishes, then you have no chance;

In short: meet the above three is interested, meet four is very interested, meet five is like, meet six that you will soon have a girlfriend.

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