Touch her like this to make her feel better

Many guys do not understand how to properly make physical contact with girls in dating.

Touch her like this to make her feel better

Either about the girl a dozen times do not take the initiative to upgrade the relationship, and finally reduced to friends; either the first meeting is trying to hold hands, embarrassed not to mention also make the girl feel obscene.

The office has a young lady, a while ago almost every day bubbling pink, we all thought she was about to get off the single.

But yesterday during the lunch break, she said she had long pulled the boy.

Driven by curiosity, the little demon asked the details.

Before the two chatted happily, colleagues think the boys are good people, they agreed to meet a proposal. The result is that the first dating the boy on the colleague’s hands and feet.

The colleague was naturally very angry.

In fact, to touch the girl, grasp the right proportion is very important, that is, according to the relationship with the girl’s affinity to decide how you want to touch the girl.

In order for you to better understand, we have divided the physical contact in dating into three stages, respectively: polite contact, contact between friends and ambiguous objects between the contact.

The polite contact is that you touch the girl out of courtesy, such as shaking hands, crowded when holding wrists to lead the way, etc. .

This kind of contact is applicable to your first date with a girl, each other is not familiar enough when. It will not seem abrupt, and will not make the girl have resistance. At the same time, it can also make girls feel that you are a gentleman, leaving a good impression on girls.

The contact between friends is the contact when you are joking around, when you already have some understanding of each other.
Ambiguous contact is your relationship with the girl has entered the ambiguous stage, you want to go further with the girl’s relationship when the contact. For example, holding hands, waist, touching thighs, etc., with ambiguous nature.

Women prefer high emotional intelligence of the man, and have proportion, know moderate is a manifestation of high emotional intelligence.

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