4 skills to help you quickly catch up with dating girls

Now most of the brothers who go on blind dates are forced to the following reasons:

Social circle is small, know less girls; 2. vision is too high, the conditions of good chase can not, poor conditions do not like; 3. have little emotional experience, do not know how to chase girls; 4. have too much emotional experience, want to close the heart to find a reliable partner.

Compared to their own to chase a strange girl, chasing a girl on a blind date is much easier, after all, blind dates are introduced through others, before you have met you can learn from other people the girl’s home and character and other information, so the benefits of blind dates is also obvious. However, although you know the girl before the blind date, but you should be clear that the girl also knows you.

So, if you are really running to this girl, then the following some can help you quickly catch up with the girl on a blind date, please pay attention to see.

Confident attitude

Confidence, as long as you are chasing girls, then it is very important, confidence not only allows you to feel that the whole environment is under their control, but also allows the woman to your first impression of a small plus.

Moderate speed and tone of voice

When chatting with people, talk fast will only make people feel that you are nervous, talk slow others will gradually lose interest. The same is true for dating girls, so pay attention to your own speed of speech, and if you think your voice is not good, practice more yourself to let others help you change.

Do more eye contact

Eyes are the windows to the soul, eye contact is also another language outside of language, keep eye contact with girls, there will be unexpected effects. For example: the eyes must be warm some look at her, is the kind of feeling very warm eyes, such as a slightly smiling eyes, such eyes kill power is very strong oh. The slightly smiling eyes, such eyes killing power is very strong oh.

Body language

Body language is the most direct way to express good feelings, conscious or unconscious body movements will directly express your attitude towards each other. From the body language can also be distinguished from what state you are in, is nervous or relaxed, is confident or inferior, etc.. Leaning forward is a sign of friendliness and interest. When we like someone, we often subconsciously lean our body forward to show our liking, such as extending our head and body towards each other.


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