Three strokes to chase girls chatting skills, solve the problem that you can not chat

I believe that many of our friends are torn about what to talk to the girls they like. Check all over Baidu, get a lot of answers about girls like food, horoscope, entertainment, gossip and so on. As a result, we and girls to talk about these but did not get very good feedback. Today’s episode, I’ll talk to you about, with the girls, what exactly should be talked about.

Three strokes to chase girls chatting skills, solve the problem that you can not chat

In the previous program has been stressed to everyone, with girls should talk about emotions, because girls are emotional creatures. So how can you mobilize a girl’s emotions through chatting? Simply teach you three tricks to chase a girl’s chatting skills.
The first of the chatting skills to chase a girl, the brain hole is big enough

You should often see some very classical replies in microblogging, posting, forums and other communities. The first thing you need to do is to make some of these replies and carry out your associative skills as much as possible to keep the conversation going.

For example, I sent an emoji to the girl, the girl also sent me the same emoji, it may seem like there is nothing to continue, directly open a new topic on the good.

If you have enough associative skills and the girl happens to have some interest in you, you can say to her, “Rogue, the emoji still has to send a couple.” Or, the girl sends me a black face emoji…

But then you can fight with her, you can witty reply a, “Look at you are tanned.” This way of chatting can certainly mobilize the girl to continue to chat with you desire.

You should know that we interact with girls in the process of chatting the most afraid is that we have not said the next sentence, the girl has guessed what we are going to say, if this is the case girls have little meaning and you chatted on. Just like you are watching a drama, just read the beginning already know the ending, you still have the desire to watch?

The second chatting skills to chase a girl, leaving the talking points

The first thing that you need to do is to leave a reply to the girl. In this way, even if she is really interested in you, her feedback is not particularly good.

For example, you ask the girl usually work should be quite hard, right? The girl will only answer, yeah, or okay. We can ask another way, what do you like to do when you have nothing to do after work. The girl may say, after work, eat, work out and then go to a cafe and sleep.

On the one hand, we achieved the desired purpose, to understand the girl’s working hours, according to her schedule predicted that the latest will not be more than 7, 8 o’clock on the end of the day, on the other hand, ah, we also understand the girl is a more life style people, for our future dating to do the pavement. Two birds with one stone, why not do it.

You should know that before we chat with girls, we need to think differently, if we say this sentence is an ordinary stranger sent to my case, then we are not interested in going back down it.
The chatting skills to chase girls three, put the mind at ease

If you look at the previous two points or do not know how to chat with girls, then I have to talk about the mindset of the problem.

Most of us actually do not know how to chat, we are always chatty with our buddies, and parents also have a constant stream of topics to talk about. But why is it that when you meet a girl you like you get stuck in a shell, you don’t know where to start talking, you don’t know where to start?

In fact, it comes from the fact that you like her! You will worry about where to chat wrong, will make this girl bored you, ignore you. So you are careful when chatting with her and follow the rules. The more you do this, the less you can arouse the girl’s desire to chat, the more difficult it is to mobilize her emotions.

The most important thing is that you have to think about it, when you are not familiar with this girl a situation, how will people hate you or like you because you simply a few words? It’s better to put your mind on talking about familiarity.

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